Gum Disease Symptoms

When you have symptoms of gingivitis, your dentist may inspect your mouth and gums to determine if there is a more serious underlying condition. In many cases, symptoms of gingivitis are easy to spot, including: bleeding gums, inflammation, pain, and swelling. Your dentist will conduct a complete examination of your gums and teeth to confirm the diagnosis if symptoms are discovered early on.

Gum disease may develop in any part of the mouth, but is most common where the the gum line meets the teeth. The periodontal pockets that are formed during normal teeth growth are where plaque forms. The plaque builds up until it hardens and becomes tartar if it is not cleaned out properly. If symptoms of gingivitis are caught at an early stage, the cure can be as easy as an adjustment to your personal oral hygiene routine, and a simple dental cleaning.

Some common gum disease symptoms are: gum sensitivity, an abnormal taste in the mouth, bad breath, and swollen gums. Gums that are sore or tender will likely be tender to the touch, and your dentist can take pictures of the affected area. Gum sensitivity can affect anyone, but it is particularly noticeable in children and pregnant women. Bacteria and tartar on the inside of the mouth, known as stomatitis, may also be present, and tartar can also make the gums recede and bleed.

Children with cystic fibrosis, an inherited disorder, can suffer from more severe problems as well as the signs of gingivitis. The most common sign of gum health problems is bleeding gums that will appear as red spots, or as a brownish yellow, and children with cystic fibrosis are more likely to have gum recessions, as well as, bleeding gums and swollen gums.

Gum disease symptoms can also include bleeding gums, discoloration, and soreness. If your gums are inflamed and painful, a visit to your dentist is the first thing you should do, and the dentist can perform a thorough examination of the gum tissues to look for any damage or possible gum cancer.

Gum disease symptoms can be very difficult to detect when they occur at an early stage, but if detected early, treatment can often be done using over-the-counter medications. These medicines will help reduce the amount of tartar, and help to loosen plaque, which will make it easier to remove when flossing and brushing away your plaque.

If you feel that you are having gum issues, you may also want to talk to a periodontist as soon as you can. Your dentist can recommend one most likely. You might not want to rely on just your dentist for input about your gums, as your dentist is not necessarily a specialist on gums.